Data Protection & Archiving

Backup as a service

Eliminate the challenges of managing daily backup operations and costly perpetual backup licensing. By removing the need for daily checks, restore testing, capacity management, changing cumbersome tapes and meeting long-term retention compliance requirements, you can focus on your core business.

Let us take away the pain of managing backups

Our team will provide daily checks and resolution if backups have failed and update you with daily reporting and feedback on the status of the backups. If new systems or applications need to be added or updated, simply log a serve ticket and we will get it sorted.

Save on expensive upfront licensing

Save on large capital layout by using a pay-as-you-go model for backup licensing integrated to the service and pay monthly only for the licences you need.

Offsite backup and archiving services

You can extend your on-premises environment to the secure Triple H Cloud for long- term storage of unstructured, cold, archive and long-term backup data without being charged ingress or egress costs. We also provide flexible connectivity and backup storage options at the Teraco data centres if you have presence there already.

Protect your data offsite securely and enjoy peace of mind

As you consume both private and public cloud technologies to drive your digital transformation, you need the confidence that your data is protected and is recoverable in multiple locations. We deliver powerful data protection for all your mission critical applications and support a broad ecosystem with fast recovery and long-term compliancy retention.

Store your data securely at a second or even third location from on-premise or public cloud providers via a secure SSL connection to our Teraco data centres in Johannesburg and Cape Town. The data is encrypted in flight and at rest with AES-256 and public key encryption controlled by you. Additionally, the solution provides a password-loss protection option that allows authorised users to recover data from the backup in case the encryption password is lost.

Provide confidence that data is authentic and unchanged

Beyond encryption, one of our service offerings provides an extra level of confidence to the authenticity of your business data: it validates that data is unchanged by using blockchain technology to compute a cryptographic “fingerprint” hash unique to each file. We provide a notarisation certificate that proves files you have stored or backed up have remained unchanged. While we share some use cases below, common potential uses include property records, court documents and long-term archives that could be subject to legal or tax audits.

What is Blockchain technology?

Blockchain – you may know it in the context of the digital currency, bitcoin – is a distributed database that maintains a continually growing list, or chain, of data transaction records. Every part of this decentralised system has a copy of the chain of records; no “official” copy exists. In this way, the information is secure from tampering and revision.

Prove that a document is unchanged (or changed)

Suppose you have an executed agreement that you backed up to the Triple H Cloud. The other party to the agreement also receives a digital copy of the same document. In a few months, you receive a call from the other party saying failed to fulfil the contract. That party shows you a document that seems to be original. But you suspect they have changed it. Using our services notary technology, you compare a certificate you generated for this “new” document with the original document’s certificate. That way, you can ensure that the recent document is an identical bit-for-bit match to the one you have in backup storage. If they don’t match, you know that the other party has changed the document in some way and can confirm that what they have is not the original document.

Veeam Cloud Connect

Obtain physical and virtual backups off site and replicate VMs (virtual machines) without the cost and complexity of building and maintaining an off-site infrastructure. Triple H & Veeam Cloud Connect provides a fully integrated, fast and secure way to back up and replicate to your secure Triple H cloud repository.

Simply choose Triple H as your service provider and point your backups or replica jobs to our cloud for off-site backup and/or disaster recovery. It has never been so easy.

Hosted off-site backups

Get your physical and virtual backups off site to our hosted cloud repository through a secure SSL connection.

Complete visibility and control

Access and recover data in our hosted backup repositories directly from the backup console, track cloud repository consumption and receive reminders for hosted storage renewals.

End-to-end encryption

Rest easy by encrypting all data at the source (before it leaves your network perimeter), in flight and at rest, without negatively impacting the data reduction ratios of built-in compression and WAN Acceleration.

Fast, flexible failover

Full-site failover to a remote DR site from anywhere with just a few clicks through a secure web portal and partial-site failover to instantly switch over to selected VM replicas only.

Mastering the 3-2-1 rule with cloud backup

The 3-2-1 rule says you need to keep three copies of your data, stored on two types of media with one copy off site. But moving backups off site can be challenging due to limited bandwidth, exploding data volumes and a lack of resources required to build or maintain a true off-site backup repository.

With Triple H & Veeam Cloud Connect, you can master the 3-2-1 rule without dumping money and resources into a second site or adding bandwidth. Just leverage our cloud backup repository services and take advantage of our secure data centre, in-place infrastructure, built-in WAN Acceleration technology and so much more.